Our Sundays look like this:
Our facilities open at 8am and you’re more than welcome to come at this time to spend a moment in quiet reflection and prayer. Our musical worship team will be preparing for the Sunday AM Worship service, so you’ll be able to listen in and learn the music before worship.
Discipleship Groups, which is our version of Sunday School, starts at 9am. Feel free to join the adults in the Fellowship Hall (via the rear basement door) or if you have an elementary aged child, they can head to the children’s Discipleship Group in the Common Room (the room behind the Auditorium). At this moment, we do not offer separate classes for Junior High or High School students; however, they can join the adults in the Fellowship Hall.
Our Worship Service is at 10:30am. Every service starts with a welcome and announcements before one of the elders calling us to worship with a psalm. Our music is a mix of old and new hymns that have been selected primarily for theological content (as well as congregational singability and memorability). We read from the Old and New Testaments, we pray together, and we hear the Word of God exposited and proclaimed by qualified teachers and pastors. Each Sunday, we conclude with the Lord’s Supper.
Following our Sunday services, you’re welcome to stick around and hang out—get to know us. It’s also a good opportunity for you to ask questions about our church, God, Jesus, or really, whatever else is on your mind. Some Sundays include an after worship luncheon (check our Worship Guides for more details).
Our Equip Classes look like this:
Equip Classes are 12-week modular courses intended to help develop you and your biblical worldview that meet on Thursdays from January through June and September through November in the Fellowship Hall (rear basement door). The classes are primarily for adults; however, Junior High and High School students are encouraged to attend. We also provide childcare for Elementary Aged children in the Common Room. These classes are not Bible Studies and they go far more in-depth than an average class taught in a local church. It is our hope for these courses to attain accreditation through a like-minded university or seminary in the next few years.
Our Community Breakfast and Prayer looks like this:
Every first Saturday of each month, we gather in the Fellowship Hall (rear basement door) at 8am for fellowship, the Word, and prayer. This is a regularly occurring service that’s open to anyone in our community (regardless of church affiliation). It’s an hour long and it is intended to be a time focused on prayer for our community—our local schools, our officials, our people and the spread of the Gospel throughout our communities. Usually, our breakfasts consist of scrambled eggs, sausage, potatoes, French toast, and pancakes (though occasionally, we’ll have a few surprises). If you have dietary restrictions, please don’t hesitate to join us anyway—you’re welcome to cook or heat up your food in our kitchen.
Our church building is located at 411 Main Street in Ramey, Pennsylvania. There is free on-street parking on Main Street (please be sure not to block driveways). In addition, we have a small parking lot directly behind our building (accessible via Main Street and Third Street (Apple Maps calls Third Street Church Street)), and we have parking in the grass lot on the corner of Main Street and Third Street (again, Apple Maps calls Third Street Church Street).
We do request that if you’re able-bodied, please park as far from the building as you can to provide closer spots for those less able-bodied, those with young children, and visitors.