Please note that all links lead to outside websites and while our recommendation does not endorse every aspect of their website, leadership, or ministries, we do recommend them as long as their teachings reflect biblical teachings. As always, use discernment.

Ministry Partners and Associations:

  • Association of Biblical Counselors

    ABC exists to encourage and equip all believers everywhere to live and counsel the Word, applying the Gospel to the whole experience of life. ABC certifies biblical counselors for counseling in the United States.

  • Association of Certified Biblical Counselors

    ACBC seeks to strengthen the Church to speak the truth in love by providing a quality training and certification process, a global network of like-minded individuals and institutions, and a source of practical and biblical resources for the church.

  • Camp Kanesatake

    Camp can be a huge part of a person’s life. It offers a time of reflection away from the world to focus on spiritual concerns. Camp Kanasatake in Spruce Creek offers Teen Camps for 7th-12th grade, Junior Camps for 3rd-6th grade, and adult and family camps.

  • Reformed Baptist Network (RBNet)

    The purpose of the Reformed Baptist Network is to glorify God through fellowship and cooperation in fulfilling the Great Commission to the ends of the earth.

Other Helpful Links:

  • 9Marks

    9Marks exists to help pastors and church members see what a biblical church looks like and to take practical steps to become one. They utilize what they call the nine biblical marks of a healthy church to determine whether a church is actually healthy and biblical. We utilize their books to train elders and deacons and we utilize their website as an extra resource for those who want to use it. You can also find our church on their Church Finder webpage.

  • Answers in Genesis

    Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry based in Hebron, KY. They exist for the purpose of helping Christians understand and defend their faith and to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Their ministry focuses on Genesis as they believe Genesis is the most heavily attacked book by unbelievers and believers alike. They are also the owners of the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.

  • Crossway Reading Plans

    Crossway (the publishers of the English Standard Version) regularly post and update different Bible reading plans to help believers in their daily readings. Some plans are meant to be quick to study over particular topics, other plans are meant to cover the entirety of a year through the entire Scriptures. Because we are people of the Word of God, it is vital that we study the Word of God regularly.

  • ChurchOne

    ChurchOne is a customizable app from SermonAudio just for our church. You just need to download it and search for our church in the app.

  • For the Church

    “For The Church exists to engage, encourage, and equip the Church with gospel-centered resources that are pastoral, practical, and devotional.”

  • The Gospel Coalition

    The Gospel Coalition is a collection of pastors, elders, deacons, and laypeople from a Reformed Tradition that regularly write articles that inform, educate, and disciple believers. While we may not agree with some of the writings, much of what they publish is genuinely useful to all believers. You can also find our church on their Church Directory webpage.

  • Got Questions

    Got Questions is a compilation of commonly asked questions by believers with answers by different pastors and scholars. The range of questions include basics (e.g., what is salvation?) to more complicated questions (e.g., the nature of the trinity). While some of the answers are up to debate, it does provide insight that could be beneficial while studying more difficult aspects of theology.

  • SermonAudio

    We utilize SermonAudio for our live-streaming and for our sermon archives, but we aren't the only conservative, Bible-believing church that utilizes SermonAudio and we recommend anyone looking for supplemental preaching, to utilize their website and their app.